Benefits Of Wim Hof Breathing
benefits of wim hof breathing

Remember, the.I had a few health issues I was working to overcome, and this seemed like a straight forward process to potentially relieve them. Alongside cold showers and ice baths, a major part of the Wim Hof Method is a breathing technique with the following sequence: 30 deep breaths faster than normal pace (controlled hyperventilation) Holding the breath at neutral lung pressure for as long as you can do so comfortably.Boosts immune system Reduces post-exercise aches and pains managing some fibromyalgia symptoms Improved circulation Optimise blood pressure. Also known as the Ice Man for his almost super human feats in freezing conditions, he made some amazing claims about the health benefits that resulted from his methodology, from boosting immunity to relieving anxiety to curing disease.Better sleep itself can lead to a variety of further benefits Some secondary benefits to the Wim Hof breathing method include: Better mood Better weight management Strengthen your heart Increase productivity Improve memoryWim Hof Method Biology of Breathing. I’d read a bit about his method in a magazine and I was instantly intrigued. Extensive tests by university researchers proved the impossible Hof’s breathing and cold therapy training could help him change his heart rate and circulation by taking control of the autonomic nervous systemMore than a year ago, I decided to give the Wim Hof Method a try. Scientists were among the sceptics who did not believe the Wim Hof Method could influence the autonomic nervous system.

He’d been through extremely challenging times in his life and, now in 60s, had plenty of wisdom to share.Best of all, it was free. With so many charlatans in the world claiming to have the fool proof plan to peace, happiness, good health, or a firm butt, it was refreshing to relate to someone who was truly genuine. In the articles I’d read he was down to earth, funny and honest.

So, I needed no convincing on its power to transform the mind and the body. As a yoga practitioner and instructor, I was familiar with various forms of yogic breathing, and I’d also just finished reading the spectacular book on breath aptly called Breath by James Nestor. I watched a youtube video of him explaining his breath process in September 2019 and was shortly thereafter practicing his unique breath work three times per day (you can see him in action here).

So, I made Wim Hof part of my morning routine. He also encourages you to do your first breathwork (or only one) of the day before eating or drinking. I tended to breathe in a seated position, although I did find lying on my back was slightly more effective. Wim Hof Breathing MethodWim Hof advises you to lie down or sit with your back erect for the entire breathing practice.

The practice includes between 20 and 40 deep inhales. But once you get the rhythm of it, it feels very natural. I actually grew to really enjoy this regular routine, which is probably why I kept up the routine for about nine months, missing only rarely.The breathing, itself, can be intense at first.

Hold it for as long as you can. Once you reach your final inhale (I typically do between 30 and 40), it’s time to hold the breath. But over time, the breathing feels more natural - relaxed but still with concerted effort. It somewhat feels like hyperventilating, especially when you’re still getting used to it. No forcing, just releasing.

benefits of wim hof breathing

I loved the app and I highly recommend it for anyone just starting the WHM.The app includes a fun interactive breathing feature that has Wim Hof count your breaths in and out up to 40. So, the Wim Hof team (which is made up of his kids) offered much of the app’s features for free. At the time when I started, the app was free - the pandemic was raging and the world felt especially stressful. It was a beautiful way to start my day.I should add that I also relied on the WHM app.

Did I not submerge myself in ice cold water, as well? I’ll get to that shortly. Eventually, I stopped using the app because I no longer needed it, and I’d earned all the badges!If you’re already familiar with the Wim Hof Method, you may be wondering about the cold water component. These badges kept me at it in the first month when it felt like effort. At the time when I was using it, the app encouraged users to earn badges for reaching certain milestones.

I’ve suffered stomach aches my entire life. My most prevalent issue was general anxiety. As mentioned earlier, I had some health issues and I was curious as to whether WHM would improve any of them. How I experienced the benefits of the Wim Hof Breathing MethodFirst, let me explain why I was inclined to practice this method in the first place. And, I certainly recommend others give it a try too. I absolutely hate the cold, so I never thought I’d try his cold water method.

He also promised his method could build immunity (hello COVID days) and increase white blood cell count. I was open to giving Wim Hof a shot, too. While my regular yoga, meditation and running helped, I still experienced stomach aches almost daily. Shouldn’t I have outgrown stomach aches by now? The days of getting yelled at by my parents were long gone. But, gosh, I was frustrated to still be dealing with this in my late 40s.

The ears were usually ringing, which is normal, and I found that helped to create the meditative state.The longer term effects were even more amazing. No irritating thoughts rushing in and out that might kill my Zen Wim Hof vibe. After completing three rounds, my head felt light and I experienced tremendous clarity. While at first, I was breathing three times per day, that quickly dwindled to once per day over the course of nine months.I can’t say I always felt like doing it, but the immediate and longer term effects kept me at it. The breathing needed to be performed at least once per day, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach. Could his method change this? I was eager to find out.The key to experiencing the benefits, explains Wim Hof is consistency.

And, it was about midway through the pandemic if anything the stress level would have been higher. I had the same stresses, so I couldn’t attribute the change to a more relaxing lifestyle. My life had not miraculously changed in any way.

I won’t even jump in a pool if it’s less than 87 degrees F. And, in my opinion, cold water is way worse than cold air. I absolutely detest being cold. Previously, I had regular bouts of insomnia.About a month into the breathing, I got curious about the cold showers. I also had much better sleeps! I fell asleep quickly and slept soundly every night.

I’m as tough as I need to be. I’ve given birth to three sons, raised them through toddlerhood and teenagehood. Not because I wanted to prove how tough I am. I became intrigued by this.

Turn the shower water to cold and stand for just 10 seconds the first day, then increase the time at your own pace by adding 10 seconds every day or two, eventually getting up to one minute. The app encourages you to start small. I wanted to earn as many badges as possible. Here, the app was great motivation to continue with the cold showers. This was my chance to see if I could overcome my chronic low white blood cell count and perhaps even overcome my autoimmune disorder (which thankfully has never presented any major symptoms).

So, the body does acclimatize to some degree. It did get easier to stand under cold spray for a minute, especially when I remember how I shivered uncontrollably with clenched teeth the first time I completed 10 seconds. I never enjoyed the cold showers, even after doing it for five months almost daily. While my showers always started hot, I would conclude it with a cold spray for about a minute (I probably counted to 60 a little too fast some days). No thank you.I didn’t have the courage or will power to last much longer than one minute. Or better yet, skip the shower and sit in a freezing cold tub of water if you can’t find an icy lake to jump into.

And, perhaps if I’d kept it up for an entire year, it would have changed my blood chemistry. I was crestfallen and quit the cold method shortly thereafter.That being said, I recognize that I may have needed to expose my body to cold water for longer than my measly one minute. Needless to say, all that shivering did not have any influence over my white blood cell count or thyroid hormones.

benefits of wim hof breathing